Thursday, October 16, 2008

lighting tests

here are two quick ambient lighting tests.

Mile Stones: Textures

These are the textured rigs that I am going to be using for my thesis the mooms with the different colored shirts will be used in the sound clips the older guy in the ranger suite will be used for lip synch monolouge as well and in one of the sound clips i have a female rig to use for a female walk cycle same goes for a quadreped wolf rig used for a walk cycle as well i will not post the wolf rig untill i can get it textured.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

moom blue and white shirt

these are my final two moom textures just different color shirts nothing two exciting..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Moom solid texture/lipsynch character

the top image is the character that I am going to use for my lyp synch monolouge. The one below is the moom that I plan on using for my walk cycles it simple and to the point. I added yellow to him instead of the color he came in originally i changed the eye/eyebrow color.

moom green shirt texture

here is a picture of my moom rig with a green shirt. The pance and shirt color have been changed this is what i plan to do with the other two moom rigs as well.

moom red shirt texture

here are a couple of pictures of my first moom rig more to come soon

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Texture updates

I know this doesent count as a post but I just want to let people know where I am going with my rigs textures I am going to texture my moom character for one of the clips with one solid color like in the style of the backyardagins. its simple and to the point and thats what I am going for. In the other clips I may paint clothes on the character but I will have to see how that goes. more updates coming soon

Full animatic

Here is my full naimatic with both clips put together and a third clip that will be used as lipsynch if it is not liked it can be changed but I think it is fine. rig textures coming soon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Texturing and Lighting tests

I have decided to use just the moom rig for my thesis I like him the best the other rig Max for maya I did not care for him and was not liking the way he animated. So i am going to start making various versions of moom and texturing my quadraped rig. hopefull I can post pictures when I finish these rigs. I am also going to be doing lighting tests with different types of lighting. Updates to follow soon...