Friday, August 29, 2008

The first Idea I had for my thesis was to do some more character animation. I would be using different clips from different movies or TV shows for a couple of clips and for the others I would have the character interacting with different objects. For example opening a door or lifting something heavy. for one clip I would like to do just lipsync and have the character recite some type of monolouge. At this point I am not sure if I want to make my own character rig or use pre made rigs. I am leaning towards using pre made rigs but we shall see. video examples of what I want to do in this project coming soon.


KipMcSkipster said...

Tony, I'd like to see you research character animation demo reels and post some on here, ideally some you find successful and would like to have serve as inspiration.

JGalliera said...

Hey I wanted to show you this demo reel I think it might be something you would like to look at for some ideas: