Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Pitch again...

I am going to be producing a character animation demo reel that will feature 1-2 cartoon characters interacting with each other. These short animations will include dialouge. The dialogue clips will vary in genres they will include comedy, drama, sadness, anger. I want to try and find clips that have lots of energy to them so I can push the facial expressions and body gestures of the characters as much as i can. In addition to the audio clips i will include a lip sync test which will include one single character reciting a monologue. in addition to these diolouge tests there will be silent animations that include a walk cycle that shows personality like a bouncy cartoon walk or a sexy female walk. the walk cycles will also include a quadraped walk cycle. overall I want my reel to look something like the reel posted below:

1 comment:

KipMcSkipster said...

Tony, avoid "try to" and "test" in your pitch. This is a proposal for a SENIOR CAPSTONE project which will be refined and complete. Otherwise, it looks good.