Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Pitch

I am going to be producing a character animation demo real that will feature 1-2 cartoon like characters interacting with each other. Some of these clips will have dialouge. The dialouge will be varied such as comedy, drama, anger, sadness. For example the comedy clips could include phyisical slapstick comedy like the three stooges or just have the dialouge and reaction of the character be the funny part. I am going to get dialouge that has lots of energy put into it and does not sound dull. I want to push the characters facial expressions as far as I can because to me that is what makes good cartoon character animation. For the parts that have no dialouge it will just be a single character acting. For example picture a cartoon character walking down the hallway he stops sees a package on the floor. he bends over to get the package as he starts to lift the package he struggles the package slips of his hands he stumbles back a bit. he bends down again and struggles to pick the package up but finally gets it. For some little variety I would also like to get a quadraped run/walk cycle in there as well

1 comment:

JGalliera said...

That sounds great. :) I deff. agree with pushing the facials a bit. I think you should do it a bit to the motion as well so it all blends together, kinda like what an actor would do on stage, a few dramatic motions so that it's not unclear on what the character is doing. Well so far the pitch sounds good. Yay.