Thursday, December 11, 2008

here a two shots of the Kitchen scenes that I will be using for my three stooges clip.

here are updated pics of my office scene going to be used in the night at the Museum clip. I added a desk monitor and chair and yes the office wall texture is large and will be changed
for the animation tests I did two lip synchs here is the second one which in my opinion is the better of the two.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

one more office pic

here is a third pic of my office scene

I have been working on my enviornments and I have both near done. Here are a few shots of the office that I will be using in the Night at the Museum Clip. I still need to fix the lighting and add some desks and chairs

Thursday, November 20, 2008

new character rig texture

After doing some tests with the moom character rig(none of which i have bothered posting) I have decided to go with using this character instead. I just did like the moom characters facial rig I couldnt get the result I was looking for although he had better body control I decided to go with this guy because he will be sitting down in the scene I am using him in. here he is texture

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lip sync test

this is a lip sync that I have had done for a while I was trying to work out the F sound in the word fishing i have to fix it up but here is what I have done i am working walk cycles and settings for my two clips. also working on another couple quick lip synch

Thursday, October 16, 2008

lighting tests

here are two quick ambient lighting tests.

Mile Stones: Textures

These are the textured rigs that I am going to be using for my thesis the mooms with the different colored shirts will be used in the sound clips the older guy in the ranger suite will be used for lip synch monolouge as well and in one of the sound clips i have a female rig to use for a female walk cycle same goes for a quadreped wolf rig used for a walk cycle as well i will not post the wolf rig untill i can get it textured.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

moom blue and white shirt

these are my final two moom textures just different color shirts nothing two exciting..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Moom solid texture/lipsynch character

the top image is the character that I am going to use for my lyp synch monolouge. The one below is the moom that I plan on using for my walk cycles it simple and to the point. I added yellow to him instead of the color he came in originally i changed the eye/eyebrow color.

moom green shirt texture

here is a picture of my moom rig with a green shirt. The pance and shirt color have been changed this is what i plan to do with the other two moom rigs as well.

moom red shirt texture

here are a couple of pictures of my first moom rig more to come soon

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Texture updates

I know this doesent count as a post but I just want to let people know where I am going with my rigs textures I am going to texture my moom character for one of the clips with one solid color like in the style of the backyardagins. its simple and to the point and thats what I am going for. In the other clips I may paint clothes on the character but I will have to see how that goes. more updates coming soon

Full animatic

Here is my full naimatic with both clips put together and a third clip that will be used as lipsynch if it is not liked it can be changed but I think it is fine. rig textures coming soon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Texturing and Lighting tests

I have decided to use just the moom rig for my thesis I like him the best the other rig Max for maya I did not care for him and was not liking the way he animated. So i am going to start making various versions of moom and texturing my quadraped rig. hopefull I can post pictures when I finish these rigs. I am also going to be doing lighting tests with different types of lighting. Updates to follow soon...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Three Stooges Final

This is the Three Stooges Final animatic.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

NIght at the Museum final

This is the Final Night at the museum animatic.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Three Stooges rough

this is the three stooges rough the clip is only 4 secs long but the video runs longer... this will be adjusted in final

NIght at the Museum animatic

here is the rough animatic for one of my clips I need to make adjustments for the final. It should be noted that this clip features three characters voices but the whole scene is seen through the Character of larrys eyes(he had one line I see no purpose in showing him ) so at one point when a hand pops out of nowhere that is why. Tree stooges animatic coming as soon as I update it.


Quick update here: I am in the process of trying to upload my animatics so they will be posted as soon as they can be .

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Final three stooges clip/night at the museum clip

for the three stooges clips I have decided to go with this one:

clip 2:

I am working on storyboards for this clip now.

For the night at the Museum clips I chose the following:

I will storyboard this clip when I am done with the other one

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Three Stooges clips

here are the 2 Three stooges clips I am having trouble deciding on

clip 1:

clip 2:

like before opinions would be appreciated thanks

Sound Clips

for my sound clips I am having trouble deciding between a few. So i am going to make two separate posts. I have the monologue/lip sync clip picked out and I have lost the link to the site so I cannot post it.

night at the Museum1:

Night at the Museum 2:

any help deciding between these two would be great thanks


I have had all but one of my rigs selected for a couple of days here they are:

Rig 1:

Rig 2:

Rig 3:
I am currently looking for a quadruped rig to use anyone know where I can get one?? any help with that would be appreciated

Rig 4: This rig is not a definate rig it would be used for the female walk cycle i have to play around with it some more before i decide on using it or not

so there they are the first two rigs listed are definates and the 4th a maybe and again if nayone knows where to get a quadruped rig that would be helpful look for my sound clips coming soon

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lighting tests

I am now working on the lighting test part of my milestones. These tests will feature the different rigs that I intend on using for my thesis. More coming soon....

updated milestones

these are my milestones that I updated last week had no time to post them until now.

Milestone 1: I will have all of my rigs picked out and textured I will have good quality copies of all the sound clips that I need. My story boards will be drawn out and completed. From the storyboards I will complete my animatics that will help time out my animations. I will have lighting tests (by test I mean have a single render shot of the character with different lighting styles).

Milestone 2: For this milestone I am going to have some animation tests done with the rigs I am going to use. These tests would include the walk cycles which can be refined and cleaned up later over winter break for use in the reel. A few short lip sync animations will be done. The clips used for these will be different than the ones featured in the final reel. Again these tests are being used so i get comfortable with the rigs.I will also have the props and enviornments ready and completed.

Milestone 3: for this milestone I will have my lip sync character monologue or completed. At this time one of my other animation clips will be complete as well.

Milestone 4: For this milestone I will have my last animation clip completed. Start rendering some of other completed clips

Milestone 5: April deadline clips completed and rendered final reel finished.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


These are the milestones that I have come up with for my thesis project:

Milestone 1: I will have all of my rigs picked out and re textured if I think that they need to be. I will have all props selected to go. I will have good quality copies of all the sound clips that I need. My story boards will be drawn out and completed. From the storyboards I will complete my animatics that will help time out my animations. I will have lighting tests (by test I mean have a single render shot of the character with different lighting styles).

Milestone 2: For this milestone I am going to have some animation tests done with the rigs I am going to use. These tests would include the walk cycles which can be refined and cleaned up later over winter break for use in the reel. A few short lip sync animations will be done. The clips used for these will be different than the ones featured in the final reel. Again these tests are being used so i get comfortable with the rigs.

Milestone 3: for this milestone I will have my lip sync character monologue near completion or completed. At this time one of my other animation clips will be complete as well.

Milestone 4: For this milestone I will have the other one or two animation clips near completed or completed. Start rendering of other completed clips

Milestone 5: April deadline clips completed and rendered final reel finished.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Example sound clips

I was thinking of using either of these for my lip sync test. One is longer than the other any suggestions. One clip is from V for Vendetta and the other is from one of the I know what you did last summer films: here are the links:

I my self prefer the longer one but still may use both any suggestions?

The Pitch again...

I am going to be producing a character animation demo reel that will feature 1-2 cartoon characters interacting with each other. These short animations will include dialouge. The dialogue clips will vary in genres they will include comedy, drama, sadness, anger. I want to try and find clips that have lots of energy to them so I can push the facial expressions and body gestures of the characters as much as i can. In addition to the audio clips i will include a lip sync test which will include one single character reciting a monologue. in addition to these diolouge tests there will be silent animations that include a walk cycle that shows personality like a bouncy cartoon walk or a sexy female walk. the walk cycles will also include a quadraped walk cycle. overall I want my reel to look something like the reel posted below:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Pitch

I am going to be producing a character animation demo real that will feature 1-2 cartoon like characters interacting with each other. Some of these clips will have dialouge. The dialouge will be varied such as comedy, drama, anger, sadness. For example the comedy clips could include phyisical slapstick comedy like the three stooges or just have the dialouge and reaction of the character be the funny part. I am going to get dialouge that has lots of energy put into it and does not sound dull. I want to push the characters facial expressions as far as I can because to me that is what makes good cartoon character animation. For the parts that have no dialouge it will just be a single character acting. For example picture a cartoon character walking down the hallway he stops sees a package on the floor. he bends over to get the package as he starts to lift the package he struggles the package slips of his hands he stumbles back a bit. he bends down again and struggles to pick the package up but finally gets it. For some little variety I would also like to get a quadraped run/walk cycle in there as well

The Pitch

I am in the process of picking my rigs and clips( I want to use a variety of genres) to use for my thesis I have downloaded and liked these two rigs. My favorite rig of the two is the one called The Teddy Rig 1.1.4 I am still looking for some more rigs to test out. Anyone have any suggestions on where I can find more rigs? the rigs can be found at:

just go to the maya section under character rigs names of the rigs are:

The Teddy Rig 1.1.4 and MooMv4.0(below are the direct links sorry if they dont work)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Video examples

These are just examples of the types of short animations I want to Include in my thesis. I have ruled out using/making my own ring I decided I dont want to deal with that. I will be using pre made downloaded rigs. I may and probably will add my own textures or colors to the rigs.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The first Idea I had for my thesis was to do some more character animation. I would be using different clips from different movies or TV shows for a couple of clips and for the others I would have the character interacting with different objects. For example opening a door or lifting something heavy. for one clip I would like to do just lipsync and have the character recite some type of monolouge. At this point I am not sure if I want to make my own character rig or use pre made rigs. I am leaning towards using pre made rigs but we shall see. video examples of what I want to do in this project coming soon.